Conference on circular bioeconomy: The pathway to an innovative, resource efficient and competitive Europe

Session 20 februari 2023
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The Committee on Environment and Agriculture will hold a conference on the theme of circular bioeconomy as the pathway to an innovative, resource efficient and competitive Europe. The conference will be conducted online on 20 February.

09:30–10:30 (CET) High-level opening – What is the role of the bioeconomy in delivering the Green Deal?

Digital, plenary meeting


  • Emma Nohrén (Green Party) and Kjell-Arne Ottosson (Christian Democrats) Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture of the Riksdag
  • Pär Holmgren (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance) Member of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament
  • Florika Fink-Hooijer Director-General at the European Commission, DG Environment
  • Peter Kullgren Minister for Rural Affairs, Swedish Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure

13:30–14:30 (CET) Circular business models beyond pilot scale 

Digital, plenary session

While policy and regulations set the targets and direction, businesses - large and small - have an opportunity to speed up the transition by conducting business in a responsible manner. Through cooperation with politicians and policymakers these actors have the potential to upscale circular business models in Europe and beyond. What is needed for circular business models to move beyond pilot scale?


  • Annica Bresky President and CEO at Stora Enso
  • Nina Ekelund Executive Director of Hagainitiativet
  • Khaled Soufani Director of the Circular Economy Centre at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge


Ingrid Petersson Inquiry Chair at the Swedish Government Offices

15:00–16:00 (CET) Conference closing – What are the next steps for the circular bioeconomy in Europe?

Digital, plenary session


  • Joanna Drake Deputy Director-General at the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
  • Helena Hansson Professor of agricultural and food economics at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Francis X. Johnson Policy/Climate Cluster Lead and Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Ananya Manna Investment Director, European Circular Bioeconomy Fund
  • Pieter Nachtergaele EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador and Postdoctoral Researcher at Ghent University
  • Pekka Pesonen Secretary-General at Copa-Cogeca
  • Virginijus Sinkevičius Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries


Ingrid Petersson Inquiry Chair at the Swedish Government Offices