The international work of the Riksdag
The members of the Riksdag work internationally to promote democracy, peace and human rights. Their work involves, for example, receiving foreign parliamentarians at the Riksdag, participating in election-observation missions in other countries and participating in interparliamentary assemblies. Furthermore, members of the Riksdag take part in a wide range of parliamentary networks and partnerships of various kinds.
Parliamentary assemblies
Some 100 members of the Riksdag take part in the Riksdag’s delegations to nine parliamentary assemblies. The objective is to build networks between parliamentarians, to allow exchanges of experience and to work to make improvements in selected areas.
Election-observation missions
During election-observation missions, members of the Riksdag travel to a country to visit polling stations in order to monitor whether citizens in the country are given the opportunity to vote. This task promotes democratic development.
Friendship groups
Members of the Riksdag with a special interest in a particular country can establish a friendship group. There are around 40 friendship groups in the Riksdag.
Democratic development cooperation
Starting in 2020, the Riksdag is working with bilateral democratic development cooperation. The main aim of this cooperation is to strengthen democratic institutions and to convey democratic values.
Interparliamentary cooperation in the EU
Members of the Riksdag also participate in interparliamentary cooperation in the EU. The cooperation consists of various conferences and meetings between members of the national parliaments of the EU member states and the European Parliament.
Interparliamentary cooperation in the EU
Foreign visits
The Riksdag receives between 100 and 150 foreign visits each year. These guests may be Speakers and parliamentarians from other countries who meet colleagues and discuss matters of common interest. The members of the Riksdag also travel to study how other countries have dealt with a certain issue.
The International Department of the Riksdag
The International Department of the Riksdag assists the Speaker, Deputy Speakers, the Secretary-General and the members of the Riksdag in their various international commitments. The International Department also has the overall responsibility to support the Riksdag’s various parliamentary assemblies.