
Videos from all public meetings and seminars in the Riksdag are published here. The Riksdag broadcasts over 800 hours live every year and its archives contain over 24 000 video clips from 2001 onwards.

Latest webcast

You can watch the latest videos from the Riksdag webcast service here.

Members of the Riksdag sitting in the Chamber and visitors in the public gallery.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand

Search for videos in the public video archives

Videos from all public meetings and seminars in the Riksdag are published here. The Riksdag broadcasts over 800 hours live every year and its archives contain over 24 000 videos from 2001 onwards.

Search for webcasts


Debate between party leaders January 2025
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand

See the latest debate between party leaders

A debate between party leaders was held at the Chamber on 15 January. During the debate, the leaders of all the parties represented in the Riksdag had the opportunity to argue in favour of the policies they wish to pursue.

See the debate between party leaders

Upcoming webcasts

See all the upcoming webcasts from the Riksdag webcast service here.

Upcoming webcasts

Debate between party leaders

A foreign policy debate will be broadcast on Wednesday 12 February at 9 a.m.

 Illustration of many people
Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

The Riksdag on Youtube

On the Riksdag YouTube channel you can watch more videos about the Riksdag, the work of the Riksdag and how Swedish democracy works. 

Illustration of two people. One is talking on the phone and one is holding a computer
Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

Rights to images, videos and webcasts

Here you can find information on what you need to consider according to copyright laws if you wish to use, for example, a photo of a member of the Riksdag, a press image or a webcast available on the Riksdag website.

Illustration. the Speaker and a person debating.
Illustration: The Riksdag Administration

How the webcast service works

You can watch webcasts from the Riksdag live and on-demand on your computer. You can also watch them on most mobile phones and tablets.