Contact and visit
There are many different ways of visiting the Riksdag. Would you like to get into contact with us? Here you will find all the contact information you need and information on the services provided by the Riksdag.
Welcome to the Riksdag
There are many ways of visiting the Riksdag. Guided tours of the Riksdag are available all the year round. Tours in English are available at noon and 1.30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. School classes and other groups can also book study visits in advance.
All debates in the Chamber and public hearings are open to the public.

The Riksdag Library
Welcome to a specialist library for the social sciences and law. It is the Riksdag's in-house source of knowledge, part of our democratic system, and open to all.
Factual questions about the Riksdag or the EU
- Email:
- Telephone: +46 8 786 59 30
Ordinary telephone times: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–12 noon and 1 p.m.–3 p.m.
Views on political proposals from parties
If you have points of view on political proposals from the parties, you can contact the parties or members of the Riksdag directly.
Contact information to the members of the Riksdag and parties:
If you are a journalist or photographer wishing to work in the Riksdag buildings or to monitor the work of the Riksdag, you will find the necessary information here.