The members’ pay and conditions
The working conditions of the members of the Riksdag differ from a normal employment situation in several ways. The members are not employed by the Riksdag, instead they have an assignment from the voters and are individually responsible for living up to the trust that has been placed in them. Regulatory frameworks and special procedures apply to various situations.
Members' pay
The members of the Riksdag are not employed, instead they have an assignment from the voters to represent them in the Riksdag. They therefore receive pay rather than a salary.
Attendance, absence and leave from the Riksdag
Here, the rules and procedures that apply to attendance, absence, leave and situations in which members of the Riksdag stop participating in the work of the Riksdag are described.
The members’ overnight accommodation
Members of the Riksdag who have further than 50 kilometres from the address where they are registered as resident and the Rikdag in Stockholm are entitled to overnight accommodation.
Official journeys
For many members, work in the Riksdag involves a large number of official journeys. This may, for example, include journeys between Stockholm and their place of residence, study visits or travel with their parliamentary committees.
Pensions and severance packages
Here, the conditions and rules that apply to pensions and support for members after they have left their assignment as MPs are described.
Code of conduct for members
The assignment as a member of the Riksdag places stringent demands with regard to judgement and conduct. Here, the ethical guidelines that apply to members of the Riksdag are described.