The parties in the Riksdag
Here you will find information about and contact information for the parties represented in the Riksdag during the 2022–2026 electoral period.
The parties in the Riksdag and number of members
The Riksdag has 349 members who are elected every four years. Eight political parties are represented in the Riksdag during the 2022–2026 electoral period.
There are currently two members of the Riksdag without party designation. The members have left their parties since the 2022 elections.
The parties in the Riksdag
Here you will find contact information for the parties in the Riksdag, their elected representatives and their party secretariats.
The parties at work
Members of the Riksdag who belong to the same party make up a parliamentary party group. Each party group has its own secretariat which works in close cooperation with other parts of the party organisation. All important issues are discussed in the party groups before the members take a final position in committees and in the Chamber.
Gender and age distribution in the parties
Do you want to know more about gender or age distribution in the Riksdag, or in a particular party? On the Riksdag's open data pages (in Swedish only) you will find lists of members’ age and gender distribution. You can also create a document that shows the members’ contact information.