Order and download in English and other languages
Here you will find printed information material about the Riksdag and the work of the Riksdag in English and other languages. The material can be ordered or downloaded in pdf format.
Here you can read about the products and download them – if you wish to order a printed product, you must do so from the page Order information material in other languages.
A guide to the Swedish Parliament
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge.
Exhibition: From royal power to peoples power – 500 years of parliament in Sweden
This exhibition showcases the development of the role and work procedures of parliament in Sweden over the last 500 years – from the parliamentary session in 1523 to our modern-day parliament.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
How the Parliament works
This is the brochure for you if you wish to gain a rapid, broad picture of the Riksdag and of the work of Swedish MPs.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge.
Download: How the Parliament works (pdf, 3 MB)
One person can make a difference
An introduction to the works of art in the southern connecting room.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Press Freedom 250 Years
Contributors from Sweden and Finland describe the historical background to the Freedom of the Press Act and the development and significance of the legal principles behind it.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge.
Download: Press Freedom 250 Years (pdf, 13 MB)
Promoting gender equality in the Riksdag 2018–2022
The brochure contains information on both past and ongoing work on gender equality in the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes
- Price: Free of charge
Download: Promoting gender equality in the Riksdag 2018-2022 (pdf, 1 MB)
Riksdag multilingual glossary
This glossary contains a selection of terms connected with the work of the Riksdag and with EU cooperation. They have been translated into English, French and German. The glossary has been revised and translated by professional translators.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: SEK 60 (including VAT)
The Constitution of Sweden
The Fundamental Laws and the Riksdag Act.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: SEK 75 (including VAT)
Download: The Constitution of Sweden (pdf, 1,7 MB)
The Swedish Parliament. Art and Interiors
Photographic tour of the Swedish Parliament. Background information on the pictures is provided in both Swedish and English.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: SEK 200 (including VAT)
العربية (Arabic)
A guide to the Swedish Parliament (Arabic version)
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Download: A guide to the Swedish Parliament (arabic version) (pdf, 2 MB)
The Riksdag – a brief guide (Arabic version)
A study leaflet containing simple descriptions of the role of the Riksdag in society. Exercises are included.
- Printed version: No, not available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Download: The Riksdag – a brief guide (Arabic version) (pdf, 7 MB)
Deutsch (German)
Rundgang durch den schwedischen Reichstag
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Download: Rundgang durch den schwedischen Reichstag (pdf, 781 kB)
Español (Spanish)
Guía del Parlamento Sueco
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Download: Guía del Parlamento Sueco (pdf, 783 kB)
Français (French)
Guide du Parlement suédois
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes
- Price: Free of charge
Download: Guide du Parlement suédois (pdf, 784 kB)
Pусский язык (Russian)
A guide to the Swedish Parliament (Russian version)
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Download: A guide to the Swedish Parliament (russian version) (pdf, 821 kB)
Suomi (Finnish)
Opas Ruotsin valtiopäiville
This brochure gives a photographic tour of the Riksdag and a brief description of the work of the Riksdag.
- Printed version: Yes, available for order
- Price: Free of charge
Sananvapaus 250 vuotta
Juhlakirja, jossa ruotsalaiset ja suomalaiset kirjoittajat kuvailevat painovapausasetuksen historiallista taustaa sekä painovapauden oikeudellisten periaatteiden kehitystä ja merkitystä.
Printed version: Printed version: Yes
Price: Free of charge
Download: Sananvapaus 250 vuotta (pdf, 13 MB)
Orders and terms of delivery
Postage is charged for orders of parliamentary documents or information material which are not free of charge. Postage is free for orders of study material and other information material which are free of charge.
Order printed version
- Phone: +46 8-786 58 10
- Email: order.andrasprak@riksdagen.se