Essay competition for students

The Riksdag would like to invite university students to take part in the 2023 essay competition on the Riksdag. The essays may be written on a subject of their choice, provided they have a clear connection to the Riksdag. Two winners are selected every year. The prize is composed of a diploma, a gift, an award ceremony and a seminar in the Riksdag based on the themes of the essays.

The essays are judged by a prize committee composed of the Speaker and the Deputy Speakers, and the winners are then appointed by the Secretary-General of the Riksdag.

“We would like to throw light on academic training and research as an important basis for both broad and in-depth understanding of our society and its system of government. By highlighting essays on the Riksdag, we would also like to encourage more research into and analysis of the role and function of the Riksdag,” says the Speaker Andreas Norlén.

Each department at a university or university college may nominate one essay

Each department at a university or university college may nominate a maximum of one essay. Each essay should have been nominated by the particular supervisor or supervisors. The essay may be at bachelor’s or master’s level. The essays that may participate in the 2023 competition are written by those whose examination has taken place in the autumn term of 2022 or the spring term of 2023. Read more under “competition instructions” below.

Important dates

  • 31 August 2023: Closing date for submission of essays.
  • December 2023: The winners are notified officially. 

Winners of the Riksdag essay competition


Einar Dernegård, Department of Political Science at Linnaeus University, with the essay "Hur politik beräknas” (“How politics is calculated”).

The essay investigates – based on how the January Agreement came into being and what subsequently happened – the Liberal Party’s and Left Party’s motives and actions in connection with the formation of a government.

From the citation by the prize committee: The essay connects to a current theme in a valuable way. The author demonstrates good awareness of method and his analysis of the reasons and conditions behind the actions of the parties is structured and transparent. His conclusions are well-founded and are related to previous research. The essay contributes commendably to an improved understanding of the political actors of the political process and their motives.

Read the essay "Hur politik beräknas" by Einar Dernegård (pdf, 479 kB)

Valdemar Holt, Department of Political Science at Lund University, with the essay “Utanförskapet misstänkliggjort” (“Exclusion under suspicion”).

The essay investigates the view of the Social Democratic party and the Moderate Party of the concept of “exclusion” – based on debates between party leaders – between 2010 and 2022. 

From the citation by the prize committee: The essay contains an impressive qualitative analysis of how discourse on the concept of exclusion has changed based on a run-through of debates with the party leaders of two large Riksdag parties. The essay is firmly based on earlier research in the area. The essay commendably contributes valuable knowledge to a subject with current political relevance. 

Read the essay "Utanförskapet misstänkliggjort" by Valdemar Holt (pdf, 537 kB)

1.	On 22 February, the Speaker Andreas Norlén awarded prizes to the winners of the Riksdag’s 2022 essay competition. The photo shows the winners Valdemar Holt and Einar Dernegård together with Andreas Norlén on the Riksdag’s Grand Stairway.

Lisa Selander, Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism, Stockholm University, with the essay "En partiledardebatt på teckenspråk. Tolkars strategier för att leverera högkvalitativ tolkning” (“A debate between party leaders in sign language. Interpreters’ strategies to provide high-quality interpretation”).

Citation by the prize committee: The essay provides a valuable connection to the Riksdag’s work to make debates accessible – and ultimately democratic decisions. The study provides a commendable insight into an area to which not very much research has previously been devoted.” The essay contributes commendably to an improved understanding of the scope of the democratic process.” 

Markus Sjölén Gustafsson, Department of Political Science at Uppsala University, with the essay "'Fully Acceptable. Policies on Homosexuality in the Swedish Parliament between 1933-2010".

Citation by the prize committee: The essay is firmly based on earlier research, regarding both its theoretical and its analytical framework. The author demonstrates good awareness of method and provides a comprehensive and keen analysis. The essay provides new knowledge on the role of the Riksdag and individual members of the Riksdag in the development of a policy area.”

2.	The photo shows First Deputy Speaker Åsa Lindestam (Social Democratic Party), winner Markus Sjölén Gustafsson, the Speaker Andreas Norlén, winner Lisa Selander and Second Deputy Speaker Lotta Johnsson Fornarve (Left Party) on the Riksdag’s Grand S

Thea Ahlgren, Department of Political Science at Uppsala University, with the essay "Att bryta ner och avhumanisera en människa.  En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga riksdagsledamöters erfarenheter av och strategier för könade kränkningar på sociala medier". (“Breaking down and dehumanising a human being. A qualitative study of the experiences of women members of the Riksdag of gender-based violations on social media and their strategies for dealing with them.”)

Citation by the prize committee: The essay commendably provides new and important knowledge on a little researched area of great significance when it comes to the Riksdag members’ performance of their duties.” The author’s analysis highlights with clear insight members’ vulnerability on the internet and their strategies for dealing with violations. It links its results well to previous research.

Nathalie Gunnarsson, Department of Political Science at Linnaeus University, with the essay "Competitive, Accommodative or Neither? An examination of two Swedish parties’ competitiveness while in opposition and support of party status".

Citation by the prize committee: The essay contributes commendably to an understanding of the actions of parties in the Riksdag in a changing parliamentary landscape. The author carries out a thorough examination of a hypothesis using exhaustive materials spanning a long period of time. The essay is firmly based on political science research on party behaviour.

Competition instructions

Each essay must meet certain requirements to be nominated for the essay competition. For example, the essay must have a clear connection to the Riksdag. Read more about the requirements in the instructions below.

All competition instructions

Requirements and certificate

For an essay to be nominated to the competition, the following requirements must be met. A certificate from the author's department must be sent in with the essay. The certificate must confirm that the essay:

  • has a clear connection to the Riksdag
  • has been written as part of a bachelor or master degree course and graded at a Swedish institute of higher education between 15 August before the year of the competition and 15 August the year of the competition
  • has been awarded the highest grade – in this case, this would mean VG (pass with distinction) or AB for the three and four-band scales in Ladok or one of the two highest grades (A or B) in the seven-band ECTS scale
  • is written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English and contains a summary of no more than three pages
  • has been nominated by the author’s supervisor
  • is the only essay the department has nominated for the current competition period. 

The certificate must contain contact details for the author(s).

The certificate must be signed by an authorised person at the department and the signature must be certified.

How essays are to be submitted

The essay and abovementioned certificate must be sent in by the head of department to the Riksdag Library by 31 August at the latest the year of the competition. Please send in the essay and documentation by post or email marked with the words “Riksdag essay competition for students” to: The Riksdag Library (Riksdagsbiblioteket), SE 100 12 Stockholm or

Selection of winners

The Secretary-General of the Riksdag selects two winners following a recommendation from a prize committee composed of the Speaker, the Deputy Speakers and officials. The committee is also sported by a working group. Before the essays are assessed, they are anonymised by an official at the Riksdag Library who is not a member of the prize committee nor the working group. Information on the author, supervisor, the educational institution or department, etc. is removed.

The essays are assessed mainly according to the following criteria 

  • a) quality in choice of theory, method and implementation, as well as in analysis and conclusions
  • b) originality, innovative thinking and contribution to knowledge development
  • c) link to research
  • d) quality of language and formalities

Processing of personal data

Once the competition has taken place, the name of the author, the title of the essay and the name of the educational institution and department for the two winners will be published on the Riksdag website.


If you have any questions on the Riksdag essay competition, please contact Anna Nyströmer at the Riksdag Library.

Telephone: + 46 8 786 60 68

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