Withdrawn building permit for extension of the Members’ Building
The Riksdag Administration initially received a building permit for all parts of the renovation of the Members’ Building. However, the special permit for the extension by the western courtyard was appealed while the renovations and extension were ongoing, with reference to the impact on the cultural environment.
Building permit withdrawn in November 2021
In the first two instances, the appeal was rejected. On 9 November 2021, however, a decision was announced by the Land and Environment Court of Appeal. The Land and Environment Court of Appeal made a different assessment, as a result of which the building permit for the extension has been withdrawn. The decision cannot be appealed.
The withdrawn building permit concerns approximately four per cent of the entire Members’ Building. As a result of the extension, the opening onto the inner courtyard has been closed off for increased security and in order to meet the Riksdag's need for a modern, functioning workplace.
Application for amended detailed development plan
In February 2022, the Riksdag Administration submitted an application to the City of Stockholm Planning Department to start work with the detailed development plan for the complex. In April 2022, the Riksdag Administration received a planning notice from the Planning Department, which means that the work can start to be prepared. The purpose of the detailed development plan is to clarify the cultural and historical values and how they should be interpreted.
Compared to the earlier building permit application, the planning work can include a more extensive examination of the different interests in relation to each other. That is to say, the interest of pursuing activities in the Members’ Building with sufficient security, and the interest of ensuring that the extension or other measures do not risk distorting the building and its cultural and historical value.
Planning work commenced in August 2022
On 25 August 2022, the Planning Committee in the City of Stockholm decided to assign the Planning Department with the task of commencing planning work to examine the conditions for protecting the cultural and historical values of the site, while securing the continued use of the Members’ Building.
The move back to the Members’ Building took place as planned, except to the extension.
The Riksdag Administration initially received a building permit for all parts of the renovations. However, the special permit for the extension by the western courtyard was appealed while the renovations and extension were ongoing, with reference to the impact on the cultural environment.
In the first two instances, the appeal was rejected. On 9 November 2021, however, a decision was announced by the Land and Environment Court of Appeal. This court made a different assessment, as a result of which the building permit for the extension was withdrawn. The decision cannot be appealed.
The withdrawn building permit concerns approximately four per cent of the entire Members’ Building. The extension means that the opening onto the inner courtyard has been closed off for increased security and in order to meet the Riksdag's need for a modern, functioning workplace.
In February 2022, the Riksdag Administration submitted an application to the City of Stockholm Planning Department regarding amendments to the existing detailed development plan. In April 2022, the Riksdag Administration received a planning notice from the Planning Department, as a result of which the work could start to be prepared.
The purpose of the detailed development plan is to clarify the cultural and historical values and how they should be interpreted.
The move back to the Member's Building took place as planned, except to the extension.
If you have any questions, please contact the Riksdag Information Service, which answers calls and emails on Monday–Friday. All calls are free of charge.
- Email: riksdagsinformation@riksdagen.se
- Telephone: 020-349 000 (national calls)
- Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m.–12 noon and 1 p.m.– 3 p.m.