Riksdagens Natodelegation deltog för första gången som medlem i Natos parlamentariska församlings vårsession



Den 24–27 maj hölls Natos parlamentariska församlings vårsession i Sofia, Bulgarien. Fyra ledamöter från riksdagens delegation deltog och riksdagens tredje vice talman Kerstin Lundgren medverkade som gästtalare.

Ett fortsatt starkt stöd till Ukraina var ett av huvudämnena på dagordningen vid vårsessionen i Bulgarien. Medlemsländernas parlamentariker antog en deklaration som understryker vikten av att stödet till Ukraina är uthålligt på lång sikt och att det innefattar såväl militärt som humanitärt och ekonomiskt stöd. Ukrainas försvarsminister var en av huvudtalarna vid mötet. 

Pålitlig partner

Tredje vice talman Kerstin Lundgren talade i talman Andreas Norléns ställe och i sitt anförande lyfte hon fram att Sverige har ambitionen att vara en aktiv och pålitlig partner i såväl Natos parlamentariska församling som i Nato. Även Natos generalsekreterare Jens Stoltenberg deltog i en frågestund med parlamentarikerna. 

Tredje vice talmannens anförande vid Nato vårsession i Sofia

Mr President,

Members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly,


Ladies and gentlemen,

I am honoured as Deputy Speaker to have this opportunity to address the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on behalf of the speaker of the Swedish Parliament at a very special time in the life of my country, of the Alliance and of the whole world. The speaker is unfortunately unable to attend.

We are meeting today in times of great trouble, times of large-scale war in Europe. Russia’s brutal aggression towards Ukraine is not only an attack on their citizens, their independence and on democracy, but also on the European security order.

It is difficult to imagine a place better suited for a meeting such as this than Sofia. The capital of a country that for more than a thousand years has stood up to surrounding empires in defence of the right of a nation to choose its own destiny.

From a Swedish perspective, the war has had profound ramifications for our security policy. Less than three months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Swedish Government, with broad support from the Parliament as well as the public, submitted an application for NATO membership. This decision ended our country’s centuries of military non-alignment.

Sweden as a nation began to emerge from the fog of history around the year 1000. During the millennium that has passed since then, we have had various allies whom we have promised support and who have promised to support us in the event of war. 

But we have never had so many and such close allies as we have today. We are now part of an Alliance with 32 countries that have committed to come to each other’s aid and assistance.

This is unique, not only in our country’s thousand-year history, but also in our continent’s history. Our Europe – a continent that has been marked over the centuries more by war and conflict than by peaceful coexistence – is now to a great extent bound together by a defence alliance and by a European Union. Never before have so many of Europe’s countries collaborated so closely and in so many ways. Furthermore, we have the transatlantic cooperation, which of course is a cornerstone in our cooperation within NATO, but which is also extensive in many other areas.

After discussions with the parties in the Swedish Parliament and consultation in the Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs, the Government led by Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson decided in May 2022 that Sweden would apply for membership of NATO.

The current Swedish Government, led by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, took over the process following the change of government in October 2022. On 22 March 2023, the Swedish Parliament voted by broad majority to approve Sweden’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Agreement on the status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO.

Sweden initiated its membership process in close consultation with Finland. Our countries are not just neighbours, we also have a largely shared history and very close ties at many levels – ties that have been forged even tighter over the past two years.    (In particular, the dialogue between representatives of our parliaments has been intensive. This is something that the members of the Swedish Parliament and I value greatly.)

During the process, we have also felt a great deal of support for the Swedish application from fellow Speakers and members of parliament in various NATO countries. For this we are very grateful, and Sweden is also grateful for the security guarantees which some countries issued. 

I see in many places in my country a strong will to contribute to a positive fellowship built on shared values, a strong will to be an active Ally that contributes to the defence of freedom and democracy in the whole of Europe and a strong will to contribute to an Alliance that continues to support Ukraine for as long as it takes. This is how Sweden chooses to meet the threats and challenges that mark our world.


Sweden’s membership of NATO may be new, but our cooperation is not. Our country has been part of the Partnership for Peace for three decades. We have participated in a number of NATO-led international missions. Several military exercises with participating NATO countries have also taken place in Sweden. 

The Swedish Parliament became an associated member of this Assembly as early as 2003, more than 20 years ago. The Swedish delegation has since then endeavoured to be an active and reliable partner. It is my hope that we, through Sweden’s membership of NATO, will be able to play a more active role.

Our ambition to be an active and reliable partner applies to both the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and NATO. We intend to become actively engaged in all of NATO’s core activities: deterrence and collective defence, crisis management and security cooperation.

With Sweden’s accession the Baltic Sea countries – with the exception of Russia – are members of NATO. We can contribute with a strong Swedish defence capability and a strong Swedish defence industry. This year, our defence expenditure exceeds two per cent of GDP and the proposed way forward goes  to 2,6%. Our defence industry has technological expertise. We look forward to deeper cooperation with all of the Alliance’s members.


Ladies and gentlemen,

The Speaker of the Swedish Parliament have in the strongest terms condemned Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. The support for Ukraine in our Parliament is united and solid.

Many speculated that our commitment to the Ukrainian cause would subside as time passed. But what I see is not diminishing commitment, but a growing insight into the fact that the war is about something more than Ukraine’s freedom.

Our support for Ukraine is not only a fight to help Ukraine, it is a fight for democracy and human rights throughout Europe. It is therefore vital that we provide Ukraine with the support it needs to take back the occupied parts of its country.

In the light of the current state of the world, with Russia’s brutal assault on the people of Ukraine, we are reminded of the fact that advocacy for democracy is more important than ever. Liberty, democracy, human dignity – these are forces far more powerful than fear and oppression.

Russia’s aggression entails challenges to our society and our region and I wish to stress the importance of parliaments that safeguard and protect democracy and international law. Our parliaments are simply the foremost symbol of democracy, but they should also be the foremost champions and defenders of democracy.

It is my firm belief that the best way in which we as parliamentarians can promote peace and international security is to stand up for democracy, human rights and a rules-based world order. Democracy is a prerequisite for peace, security and prosperity.

In these troubled times, we have been reminded of the importance of parliamentary cooperation, solidarity and joint efforts to promote peace and democracy. In the face of this, democratic and parliamentary assignments are becoming increasingly important.

As representatives of our parliaments and our democratic systems, we should work together and support each other in upholding and strengthening our democratic processes. I strongly believe in the ability of parliamentary assemblies, like the one that is gathered here today, to strengthen the ties between parliaments and parliamentarians united by common values and objectives.


Ladies and gentlemen,

The Ukrainian people have shown the world that they are determined to defend their independence. This show of resolve has been an inspiration to all of us. The times we are experiencing might seem dark. But they are not devoid of hope.

There is hope to be found in the steadfast willingness to defend freedom and in the support that those carrying out this struggle are receiving. This hope is strengthened by the perseverance showed both by those risking their lives in the fight for freedom and those providing support that is vital for their ability to continue fighting.

Thank you.


De svenska ledamöter som deltog vid vårsessionen var:

Alla ledamöter i delegationen:

Ledamöter i riksdagens delegation till Natos parlamentariska församling


Natos parlamentariska församling är ett forum för parlamentariker från Natos medlemsländer som sedan Sveriges inträde i mars 2024 är 32 till antalet. Församlingen möts vid två årliga möten, så kallade sessioner. Verksamheten äger då rum dels i plenum, dels i fem fackutskott.

Kontaktperson för media

  • Gällande Natodelegationen: Eva Östlund, senior internationell rådgivare, riksdagens internationella kansli, telefon: 070-609 67 39, e-post: eva.ostlund@riksdagen.se
  • Gällande talmannen: Karl Lindberg, pressekreterare hos talmannen, telefon: 08-786 44 00, e-post: karl.lindberg@riksdagen.se