Processing of personal data

The Riksdag Administration processes personal data on this website. Such processing is legal as it is linked to the performance of a task carried out in the public interest (Article 6.1e of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).

The principle of public access to official documents

The Riksdag Administration is a public authority and this means that messages that are sent to the Riksdag Administration become official documents. Everyone is entitled to access official documents.

Official documents

Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, regulates how personal data may be processed in the EU. When the GDPR came into force, an act of law was also introduced to supplement the GDPR. This act, the Data Protection Act, includes clarification of the circumstances in which certain personal data may be used.

The Data Protection Act and the GDPR may not be applied if they do not comply with the provisions of the Freedom of the Press Act or the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression.

The General Data Protection Regulation

Responsibility for personal data

The Riksdag Administration is the controller of the processing of personal data on this website.

Collection of personal data on this website

The Riksdag Administration collects personal data on this website. Personal data is collected for the following purposes:

  • subscriptions to newsletters;
  • applications to courses;
  • electronic requests for official documents;
  • booking visits;
  • ordering publications;
  • applications for travel allowances;
  • replies to invitations to special events;
  • replying to questionnaires;
  • job applications;
  • applications for media accreditation;
  • applying for a library card as a user of the Riksdag Library

Information about the purpose of the Riksdag Administration's collection of personal data and how long it will be kept is provided in connection with the form on the website in which the data is collected.

Logging of IP address

In order to get a picture of how visitors use the website, the Riksdag Administration logs the IP address together with the resource visitors use when they visit our website. The logs are saved on our own servers.

Your rights

Information about your personal data

You are entitled to information about the personal data that the Riksdag Administration processes about you.


At your request or at its own initiative, the Riksdag Administration will correct or supplement personal data about you that is incorrect or incomplete.


You can request that the Riksdag Administration delete your personal data. You can also ask the Riksdag Administration to stop processing your personal data.

A request for deletion will not always lead to the Riksdag Administration deleting your personal data. The Riksdag Administration may, in other words, reject a request for deletion on the grounds that the personal data is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. Another restriction of your right to deletion is the requirement that official documents are kept. In order to remove personal data in an official document, a withdrawal decision that allows the document to be removed is required.

Request for information or correction etc.

Please contact the Senior Registry Clerk at the Riksdag Administration if you would like information about the personal data that the Riksdag Administration processes about you. You can also contact the Senior Registry Clerk if you would like your personal data to be corrected or deleted, or if you would like the processing of your personal data to stop.

The Senior Registry Clerk

Switchboard: +46-8-786 40 00
Postal address: The Swedish Parliament, 100 12 Stockholm, Sweden

The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, IMY, supervises the processing of personal data

The IMY exercises supervision over the Riksdag Administration's processing of personal data. You can contact the IMY if you have any complaints about the Riksdag Administration's processing of personal data..

The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection