Gunilla Carlsson (SocDem)

Tjänstgörande riksdagsledamot

City of Göteborg, seat 17
Functionary, Workers Education Association
Birth year
Sveriges riksdag, 100 12 Stockholm

Current assignments

Member of Parliament

Ordinary member

Committee on Finance


Committee on the Constitution

Deputy member

Committee on European Union Affairs


The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council


The Riksdag Board

Alternate member

All assignments

Member of Parliament

Ordinary member
2002-9-30 – 2026-9-21

The Social Democratic Party

Group Leader
2022-9-26 – 2022-10-6

Committee on Cultural Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy Chair
2014-10-7 – 2018-9-24
2012-2-28 – 2014-9-29
2012-2-24 – 2012-2-27
2006-10-10 – 2010-10-4
2002-10-8 – 2006-10-2

Committee on Finance

2022-10-20 – 2026-9-21
Deputy Chair
2022-10-4 – 2022-10-20
2022-10-4 – 2022-10-4
2018-10-2 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Transport and Communications

Deputy member
2018-10-2 – 2022-9-26
2010-10-12 – 2012-2-23

Committee on Defence

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2020-9-3
Deputy member
2002-10-8 – 2006-10-2

Committee on Taxation

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy member
2006-10-10 – 2010-10-4

Committee on Health and Welfare

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy member
2007-4-16 – 2010-10-4

Committee on Education

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy member
2010-10-12 – 2012-2-23

Committee on the Constitution

Deputy member
2022-10-4 – 2026-9-21
Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2020-9-3

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2020-9-3

Committee on the Labour Market

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Civil Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Justice

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Environment and Agriculture

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Industry and Trade

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Social Insurance

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Alternate member
2022-2-16 – 2024-4-10
2018-3-13 – 2018-5-24

Committee on European Union Affairs

2024-9-12 –
Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-10-4

The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council

2019-10-2 – 2024-10-31
Deputy Chair
2018-10-10 – 2019-10-2
2018-10-9 – 2018-10-10
Deputy member
2011-10-12 – 2012-2-23
Deputy member
2010-10-19 – 2011-9-15

Nominations Committee

Deputy Chair
2022-9-26 – 2022-10-19
2022-9-26 – 2022-9-26

The War Delegation

2012-2-24 – 2018-10-9

The Riksdag Board

Alternate member
2022-10-4 –

The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

Personally appointed substitute
2018-11-1 – 2022-10-31


The information in the biography is information that the commissioner has submitted to the publication Fakta om folkvalda.

Uppdrag inom riksdag och regering

Riksdagsledamot 02–. Ordförande kulturutskottet 12–14 och vice ordförande 14–18. Vice ordförande finansutskottet 22. Ledamot kulturutskottet 02–10 och 12, trafikutskottet 10–12 och finansutskottet 18–. Ledamot sammansatta civil- och kulturutskottet 18. Suppleant försvarsutskottet 02–06, skatteutskottet 06–10, socialutskottet 07–10, utbildningsutskottet 10–12, trafikutskottet 18–22 och konstitutionsutskottet 22Ordförande kulturutskottet 12–14 och vice ordförande 14–18. Ledamot krigsdelegationen 12–18. Ledamot Nordiska rådets svenska delegation 18– och vice ordförande 18–19. Suppleant Nordiska rådets svenska delegation 10–12. Vice ordförande valberedningen 22 och ersättare riksdagsstyrelsen 22–. Personlig suppleant, styrelsen för Riksbankens jubileumsfond 18–. Gruppledare Socialdemokraterna 22.


Industriarbetaren Curt Carlsson och vårdbiträdet Ulla Britt Carlsson, f. Ottosson.


Gymnasieskola, ekonomisk linje, slutår 85.


Affärsbiträde 85–95. Projektanställd 95–00. Enhetsledare, ABF 00.

Uppdrag inom statliga myndigheter m.m.

Styrelseledamot, Arbetarrörelsens arkiv- och bibliotek och Statens ljud- och bildarkiv. Ledamot, Migrationsverket 05–07. Taltidningsnämnden 06–. Ledamot, Förvaltningsstiftelsen 16–.

Kommunala uppdrag

Ersättare, stadsdelsnämnden, Hisings-Backa. Ledamot, skattenämnden, Hisingen 99–02. Ledamot, Liseberg AB 07–11 och 18– samt ordförande 15–18. Ledamot, Göteborgs hamn AB 11–15.

Uppdrag inom förenings- och näringsliv

Ledamot, Socialdemokraterna Hisings-Backa 98–02. Ledamot, förtroenderådet, Socialdemokraterna i Göteborgs distrikt. Ledamot, Handels socialdemokratiska fackklubb i Göteborg. Ledamot, Föreningen Norden 03–05. Ordförande ABF Göteborg. Ordförande Nordiska folkhögskolan. Ordförande Folkets hus och parker.

Said and done

Here you will find what the member has said and done in the Riksdag. This can apply to motions, speeches in the chamber or interpellations and written questions to the government. Here you will also find what the government's ministers have said and done in the Riksdag. Use the filters to find among the documents.
