Ulf Kristersson (Mod)


Södermanland County, seat 30
Birth year
Sveriges riksdag, 100 12 Stockholm

Current assignments

Member of Parliament

Off duty

The Moderate Party

Party Leader

Prime Minister's Office

All assignments

Member of Parliament

Off duty
2022-10-18 – 2026-9-21
Ordinary member
2014-10-4 – 2022-10-18
Off duty
2014-9-29 – 2014-10-3
Ordinary member
1994-10-2 – 2000-4-30

Member of Parliament

1991-10-4 – 1994-10-2

The Moderate Party

Party Leader
2017-10-1 –

Committee on the Labour Market

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy Chair
2014-10-7 – 2014-12-15
Deputy member
1995-10-10 – 1998-10-4

Committee on Finance

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy Chair
2014-12-19 – 2017-10-10
2014-12-15 – 2014-12-18

Committee on Social Insurance

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
1998-10-13 – 2000-4-30
1994-10-10 – 1998-10-4
Deputy member
1991-10-7 – 1994-10-1

Committee on Education

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26
Deputy member
1994-10-10 – 1998-10-4
Deputy member
1991-10-7 – 1994-10-1

Committee on Defence

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2020-9-3

Committee on the Constitution

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2020-9-3

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2020-9-3

Committee on Civil Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Justice

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Cultural Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Environment and Agriculture

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Industry and Trade

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Taxation

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Health and Welfare

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on Transport and Communications

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-9-26

Committee on European Union Affairs

Deputy member
2020-3-18 – 2022-10-4

Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs

2022-10-4 – 2022-10-18
2017-11-22 – 2022-10-2

The War Delegation

2022-10-11 – 2022-11-15
2017-12-14 – 2022-10-9

The Swedish Delegation to the Nordic Council

Deputy member
2017-12-14 – 2018-10-9

Prime Minister's Office

2022-10-18 – 2026-9-21

The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs

2010-10-6 – 2014-10-3


The information in the biography is information that the commissioner has submitted to the publication Fakta om folkvalda.



Uppdrag inom förenings- och näringsliv

Ledamot av Moderata samlingspartiets partistyrelse 88-92.

Uppdrag inom riksdag och regering

Riksdagsledamot 91–00 och 14– (statsrådsersättare 911005–941003). Ledamot socialförsäkringsutskottet 94–00. Vice ordförande finansutskottet 14–17 och arbetsmarknadsutskottet 14. Suppleant socialförsäkringsutskottet 91–94, utbildningsutskottet 91–98 och arbetsmarknadsutskottet 95–98. Ledamot Utrikesnämnden 17–22 och krigsdelegationen 17–22. Suppleant Riksdagens revisorer 94–00. Partiledare Moderaterna 17–. Statsråd (socialförsäkringsminister), Socialdepartementet 101005–141003. Statsminister, Statsrådsberedningen 221018–.


Fil.kand. Lars Kristersson och adjunkten Karin Axelsson.


Gymnasieexamen, S:t Eskils skola, Eskilstuna 83. Värnplikt som plutonchef, S 1, Enköping 83–84. Civilekonomexamen, Uppsala universitet 85–88.


Chef public affairs/informationsdirektör, Connecta/Adcore-koncernen 00–01. Kommunikationskonsult, Nextwork AB 01–02. Marknadschef, näringslivets tankesmedja Timbro 95–98.

Uppdrag inom statliga myndigheter m.m.

Ledamot, Kommittén för översyn av studiestödssystemet 95–96.

Kommunala uppdrag

Finanskommunalråd, Strängnäs 02–06. Socialborgarråd, Stockholm 06–10.


Klyftan mellan väljare och valda (88), Generationskriget (93, tillsammans med andra), Det socialpolitiska arvet (94), Non-working generation (94, tillsammans med annan) och Ett brutet löfte (95, tillsammans med andra).

Said and done

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