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Explore the Riksdag!


Do you want to experience the Swedish Parliament in Swedish?

På svenska

Turn your phone for the best experience.


  • You can choose between taking the guided tour...
  • ...or going directly to the room you're interested in.
  • In each of the rooms you visit, you can learn more about what's happening at the Swedish Parliament by selecting one (or all) of the hotspots in the room
  • You can also navigate using the keyboard, explore the room with the arrow keys. Use Z to zoom in, X to zoom out and Tab to change hotspot.

You can choose between taking the guided tour...

...or going directly to the room you're interested in.

In each of the rooms you visit, you can learn more about what's happening at the Swedish Parliament by selecting one (or all) of the hotspots in the room

When you use Explore the Riksdag you can also navigate using the keyboard.When using a mobile you can select the 360 symbol and look around in a room by turning your phone.

If you use Explore the Riksdag with your mobile, we recommend that you rotate it and watch with a horizontal screen.


